We offer a full range of products for steel chimney systems. We prepare our insulation according to the individual needs of our clients. We strive to ensure that each of our products meets the requirements of our partners.
Mineral wool insulation
These insulations are made of specially selected mineral wool with a density of:
– 100 kg/m3,
– 120 kg/m3,
– we are able to make insulation from wool of a different density.
The product is cut according to the dimensions provided by the customer in the form of a mineral wool cover. The number of segments that a given element consists of results from the size of the chimney for which the insulation is made. We can make chimney splints from 60 to 1100 mm in diameter. This product ensures stable and quick installation and tight insulation. Thanks to its use, thermal bridges are eliminated and there is no need to use additional stabilizing elements between the coats.

Insulation ring
Insulation made of mineral wool with densities of 100 kg/m3, 120 kg/m3 or 150 kg/m3. It is possible to make this type of products from wool of different densities. The rings are cut according to the dimensions provided by the customer. They are used to close double-walled chimney systems on both sides when roll mats or mineral wool granules are used to insulate them. This product stabilizes the pipes relative to each other, significantly speeds up the installation of insulated elements, and ensures tight insulation. Insulation is made of mineral wool with densities of 100 kg/m3, 120 kg/m3 or 150 kg/m3. It is possible to make this type of products from wool of different densities. The rings are cut according to the dimensions provided by the customer. They are used to close double-walled chimney systems on both sides when roll mats or mineral wool granules are used to insulate them. This product stabilizes the pipes relative to each other, significantly speeds up the installation of insulated elements, and ensures tight insulation.